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The Financial Stability Committee can issue warnings and recommendations to counter systemic risks and strengthen the resilience of the financial system. The warnings and recommendations can be addressed to the German government, BaFin or other public bodies in Germany. The Financial Stability Committee uses these tools to shape macroprudential policy in a forward-looking, preventive manner and to maintain financial stability. Warnings and recommendations are generally published. However, the Financial Stability Committee takes into account the signals it sends to the public and the markets, and considers whether the publication itself may pose a threat to financial stability. In such cases, warnings and recommendations are not published.


The Financial Stability Committee uses warnings about identified risks in its risk communications. It issues warnings when it wishes to alert the relevant parties to an imminent threat to financial stability and when the contents of the warning can help to preserve financial stability. Warnings fulfil a coordination function and are intended to encourage the relevant parties to take the identified risks or threats into account in their decision-making processes.

Warnings of the Financial Stability Committee

Number of the Warning

Contentsrelease dateAddressee
No warnings have been issued.