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Indicators from a variety of data sources are regularly used and evaluated to assess financial stability. The data pool for some of these indicators, as well as overviews of the use of macroprudential instruments in various countries, can be found here:

  1. In­di­ca­tors and times se­ries on the coun­ter­cycli­cal cap­i­tal buffer (CCyB) in Ger­many (in Ger­man)[XLSX, 156KB]
  2. BIS Credit-GDP gap time series
  3. Bundesbank indicator sets: Sets of indicators from various specialised statistics on specific topics, such as the situation on German residential and commercial real estate markets.
  4. ESRB European Financial Crisis Database
  5. ESRB Database on national macroprudential measures
  6. IMF database on macroprudential policies: IMF database on macroprudential policies and institutional organisation of macroprudential supervision within the member states